Facebook-Flavored Ice Cream (Really)

We sure spend a lot of time on good ole Facebook. There's always something to "Like" or comment on. There's always someone's dinner to admire. There's always a political argument to be had. However, for whatever reason, we don't spend a lot of time eating Facebook-branded flavors of ice cream. Don't worry; we can start now.

A Croatian ice cream shop called  Admir Adili and Ibi Adili's has recently unveiled their Facebook-flavored ice cream which, contrary to popular belief, does not taste like Zuckerberg's armpits or some guy you went to middle school with. Word on the street is that it tastes like candy. Something sweet and addictive with no actual health benefits? Yeah. That's sound about right for Facebook.

The flavor has proven to be quite a big hit with customers, so here is hoping they roll out varieties based on other hit websites. I call dibs on eBay.

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