Finally, Here is the World's First Vegan Butcher Shop

The Herbivorous Butcher is set to be the world's first all-vegan butcher shop, offering up vegan takes on all of your favorite meat products.

Veganism is everywhere these days, besting all manner of dissenters, be they angry meat eaters or grandmothers who don't quite understand the concept. However, despite its popularity, humanity still lacks a proper vegan butcher shop. It might have something to do with slabs of vegetables not needing to hang on racks, but who knows.

Well Minneapolis's The Herbivorous Butcher will look like a regular butcher shop, with various types of meat products lining the aisles. However, all of that luscious, luscious meat won't actually be meat at all. The store will only sell vegan meat products, which are usually made from soy gluten and other substitutes.

The appropriately named Kale Walch and his sister Aubry took the idea to Kickstarter, where it recently blew through its goal. Moral of the story? People really want an all-vegan version of the entire menu at Katz's deli.


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