Season 2, Episode 7

Ilene and Freddie Tsuhara - Apps and Cocktails

Ilene and Freddie Tsuhara, 71 and 73 respectively, are throwing a bash at their Concord, N.C., pad. Mo helps the couple assemble some fabulous appetizers including a twist on the classic: shrimp cocktail. There's also grilled pineapple and short ribs. And what's a cocktail party without cocktails? Mo learns some great potent potables from mix master Freddie including the Harvey Wallbanger.
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Recipes From This Episode

Ilene and Freddie's Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Rolls

Ilene and Freddie's Grilled Short Ribs and Pineapple

Ilene and Freddie's Harvey Wallbanger

Ilene and Freddie's Shrimp Cocktail Shooters

Millie Martin - How About that!
Riaz Gilani - Tee Time

So Much Pretty Food Here